I heard about these two from “Nobody Should Believe Me”, and not only does Kristin do openminded and curious research (reading original court documents to answer questions that she feels stumped by), but she is very easy to listen to and does a superlative Nancy Grace impression. The hosts don’t do too much banter, especially at the top of episodes: I like it when podcasts dive right in—you can hear rapport during the discussion of the topic under consideration. Mogab offers a respectfully interested neophyte foil to Kristin’s deep dives (but I wish she sounded less liquid and would swallow more before she speaks). The two of them seem charmingly charmed by each other, and their dynamic is warm and comfortable. I *never* thought I could be a Scott Peterson truther, and yet Kristin has shown me how many conclusions I jumped to (even if the evidence for his innocence is not conclusive). This podcast is pretty fantastic: I’ve listened to a few eps and am very happy to have found them. Surprised they don’t have more reviews ♥️
June 21, 2023 by lunalgt on Apple Podcasts